Hello Fabulous Fours,
We are almost done our first week of school. We are keeping ourselves busy learning routines and learning about each other.
Things that have gone home:
There is a package of forms that have been placed in backpacks. Please fill them out and get them back to us as soon as you can. Thank you.
Things we have done during our day:
-For PE, we played Splat and did our daily fitness triangle.
-We went to music outside with Mrs. Anderson.
-We are drawing self-portraits.
-Today in math, we did a Sudoku.
-We practiced some loops and circles to get ready for handwriting.
-We did Be Active, Be Strong and Be Ready to Learn body break.
-We did some sheets of adding and subtracting to show Ms. Konno what we can do.
-After lunch, we did mindfulness and coloured our letters.
-We had to make a choice: This or That (an invisible head or an invisible belly) and then write about it. Share your choice and the reasons why you made that choice.
Daily Challenge:
Share with your family your thoughts about having music outside. What are some of the things you did with Mrs. Anderson?