Wednesday, September 30, 2020

September 30

 Hello Fabulous Fours,

This is the last post in Blogger. Please check out what we have been doing in the stream of Google Classroom.

We have completed a full month of school. Woo Hoo! I wonder what the next month will bring. What do you think we will learn next month? Thank you to Grade 5/6 classes for a great Orange Shirt Day assembly. Up-coming Events: Friday, October 9 – NO SCHOOL – Non-Instructional Day Monday, October 12 – NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Day Friday, October 30 – NO SCHOOL – Non-Instructional Day      Things we have done during our day: -Today, we were on computers for most of the day completing tasks and researching. (EW) -We had an Orange Shirt Day assembly and I learned to be kind. (DO) -In PE, we practiced more with our skipping ropes. (HM) -In PE, we had 8 minutes on the small park today after skipping for 20 minutes. (KB) -We read a little bit of The City of Ember and had some extra time to work on our pages. (SV) We learned that Doon Harrow is really observant. (JB) -Before PE, we watched some videos about skipping. (AW) -Today in Social Studies, we researched more about the Canadian Shield and learned more about the Canadian Shield. (EC) -We did a This or That activity on the computer. (ED) -We did math and we tried to find different ways to make 21 with three darts. (LB) -Today in handwriting, we learned how to do a ‘v’. (EW) Daily Challenge: Share with your family your thoughts about our assembly today. What did it make you think about?

September 30

  Hello Fabulous Fours, This is the last post in Blogger. Please check out what we have been doing in the stream of Google Classroom. We h...