Hello Fabulous Fours,
This is the last post in Blogger. Please check out what we have been doing in the stream of Google Classroom.
We have completed a full month of school. Woo Hoo!
I wonder what the next month will bring. What do you think we will learn next month?
Thank you to Grade 5/6 classes for a great Orange Shirt Day assembly.
Up-coming Events:
Friday, October 9 – NO SCHOOL – Non-Instructional Day
Monday, October 12 – NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Day
Friday, October 30 – NO SCHOOL – Non-Instructional Day
Things we have done during our day:
-Today, we were on computers for most of the day completing tasks and researching. (EW)
-We had an Orange Shirt Day assembly and I learned to be kind. (DO)
-In PE, we practiced more with our skipping ropes. (HM)
-In PE, we had 8 minutes on the small park today after skipping for 20 minutes. (KB)
-We read a little bit of The City of Ember and had some extra time to work on our pages. (SV) We learned that Doon Harrow is really observant. (JB)
-Before PE, we watched some videos about skipping. (AW)
-Today in Social Studies, we researched more about the Canadian Shield and learned more about the Canadian Shield. (EC)
-We did a This or That activity on the computer. (ED)
-We did math and we tried to find different ways to make 21 with three darts. (LB)
-Today in handwriting, we learned how to do a ‘v’. (EW)
Daily Challenge:
Share with your family your thoughts about our assembly today. What did it make you think about?