Hello Fabulous Fours,
Orange Shirt Day The Grade 5/6 classes will be hosting a virtual assembly on Wednesday, September 30 at 8:30am. Show your support by wearing ORANGE! Things we have done during our day: -Today in PE, we used skipping ropes. (SV) -In PE, we got three minutes to play on the little park. (KB) -Some of us started writing our frog stories, some finished planning, and some finished writing our stories. (LF) -In handwriting, we learned how to write an ‘m’ and an ‘n’. (KN) -Today in music, we got our binders from last year and we got to decorate them. (EW) -We got a bag of some stuff to make music. -Today in music, we watched a video about line riding to a Beethoven song. (HM) -We started research on the Canadian Shield. (AW) We got our information from the text book. (ED) -We read, ‘Shin-Chi’s Canoe’, and how Shin-Chi adjusted to life in residential school. (JB) -Today, most of us finished our representing numbers in Math. Daily Challenge: Share with your family your thoughts about Shin-Chi’s Canoe. How did you feel during the different parts of the story? What might be a lesson to be learned in this story? How did you connect to the story?