Tuesday, September 29, 2020

September 29

 Hello Fabulous Fours,

Orange Shirt Day The Grade 5/6 classes will be hosting a virtual assembly on Wednesday, September 30 at 8:30am. Show your support by wearing ORANGE!       Things we have done during our day: -Today in PE, we used skipping ropes. (SV) -In PE, we got three minutes to play on the little park. (KB) -Some of us started writing our frog stories, some finished planning, and some finished writing our stories. (LF) -In handwriting, we learned how to write an ‘m’ and an ‘n’. (KN) -Today in music, we got our binders from last year and we got to decorate them. (EW) -We got a bag of some stuff to make music. -Today in music, we watched a video about line riding to a Beethoven song. (HM) -We started research on the Canadian Shield. (AW) We got our information from the text book. (ED) -We read, ‘Shin-Chi’s Canoe’, and how Shin-Chi adjusted to life in residential school. (JB) -Today, most of us finished our representing numbers in Math. Daily Challenge: Share with your family your thoughts about Shin-Chi’s Canoe. How did you feel during the different parts of the story? What might be a lesson to be learned in this story? How did you connect to the story?

September 30

  Hello Fabulous Fours, This is the last post in Blogger. Please check out what we have been doing in the stream of Google Classroom. We h...