Friday, September 18, 2020

September 18

 Hello Fabulous Fours,

Terry Fox Run We completed our Terry Fox Run. We ran a loop that was about 500m. It was 250m to the last pylon and 250m back to the beginning. It was a great day for a run/walk/jog.

Upcoming Events: Sept. 23-24 – Parent-Teacher Conferences Things we have done during our day: -In music, we did the Limbo dance and Mr. Chris tried it and he could not do it. (EC) -We did the Terry Fox Run. (SV) -Today, we had math about pigs and ducks. (KN) **The problem is in Google Classroom -In the morning, we did Make a Word and the big word was Terry Fox. (OC) -We did some SQUIRT time and caught up on some work that needed finishing. (AW) -We read a little bit about The City of Ember and during SQUIRT time we could complete our journals. (HM) **The rest of Chapter one is in Google Classroom Daily Challenge: Share with your family how you felt running along the ridge for the Terry Fox Run. How did you find running with just our grade group?

September 30

  Hello Fabulous Fours, This is the last post in Blogger. Please check out what we have been doing in the stream of Google Classroom. We h...