Hello Fabulous Fours,
Terry Fox Run We completed our Terry Fox Run. We ran a loop that was about 500m. It was 250m to the last pylon and 250m back to the beginning. It was a great day for a run/walk/jog.Upcoming Events: Sept. 23-24 – Parent-Teacher Conferences Things we have done during our day: -In music, we did the Limbo dance and Mr. Chris tried it and he could not do it. (EC) -We did the Terry Fox Run. (SV) -Today, we had math about pigs and ducks. (KN) **The problem is in Google Classroom -In the morning, we did Make a Word and the big word was Terry Fox. (OC) -We did some SQUIRT time and caught up on some work that needed finishing. (AW) -We read a little bit about The City of Ember and during SQUIRT time we could complete our journals. (HM) **The rest of Chapter one is in Google Classroom Daily Challenge: Share with your family how you felt running along the ridge for the Terry Fox Run. How did you find running with just our grade group?