Wednesday, September 23, 2020

September 23

Hello Fabulous Fours,

Parent viewpoint Please see link below to fill out a Parent viewpoint. Thank you for sharing information about your child. This will help me connect with your child as we learn together.

Upcoming Events:
Sept. 23-24 – Parent-Teacher Conferences – These are telephone conversations, Thursday afternoon/evening and Friday morning. If these times do not work for you, then please email me and we can see if we can set up another time to connect. Things we have done during our day: -In the morning, we played Boggle. (KN) -In handwriting, we learned to write the letter ‘k’. (JB) -We learned to count to 10 in French. (SV) **see link on our stream in Google Classroom for the song we felt worked the best for us counting to 10: “Une Chanson des Chiffres” -We did PE and we ran some fitness triangles and we played Everybody’s It Shadow Tag. (HM and WF) -Today, we read more of The City of Ember and Lina was sent with a message for the mayor. (EW) -We made a story plan using a picture prompt. (DO) **in Google Classroom -We played a new math game called, “Who’s in the Middle?” (WF) **in Google Classroom -We had social studies and we learned some definitions about Alberta - Story of the Land and put them into our visual journals to get ready for Alberta research. (EW) **in Google Classroom -We had SQUIRT time and many of us worked on our Word Work. (SE) Daily Challenge: Share with your family our new math game called, “Who’s in the Middle?”. The skills we practiced are least and greatest numbers and numbers in between using 2-digit numbers.

September 30

  Hello Fabulous Fours, This is the last post in Blogger. Please check out what we have been doing in the stream of Google Classroom. We h...