Hello Fabulous Fours,
Things in backpacks: Overdue notice slips – these are from last year, please try and find them and return them. Upcoming Events: Sept. 23-24 – Parent-Teacher Conferences – These are telephone conversations, Thursday afternoon/evening and Friday morning. Things we have done during our day: -Today, we did Make-a-Word. (KN) -In handwriting, we learned how to do an ‘h’. (SV) -In French, we learned more greetings like “Salut” and “je m’appelle. . .”. (OC) -Today, we did social studies and we did a map and we wrote down all the provinces and territories. (EW) **in Google Classroom -Today, we had music and we practiced our dancing. (AW) -We did more Terry Fox Run and then played Hula Rock Paper Scissors. (ED) -We read a little bit more of The City of Ember. (HM) **new reading in Google Classroom -We did math and we practiced using base 10 blocks and finding the numbers. (KN and ED) We did a math card with darts and we had to find 11 using three darts. (HM) **in Google Classroom -Today, we had SQUIRT time. (EW) Daily Challenge: Using the dart board from our problem today, how many different ways can you make 9 using three darts. Predict if you will have more combinations or less than the problem we did this morning. If you cannot remember the dart board, check it out in Google Classroom.