Hello Fabulous Fours,
Welcome to week two of school.
Upcoming Events:
Sept. 10 – Picture Day
Sept. 16 – School Council meeting – virtual meeting
Things that have gone home:
-Picture Day Notice
-Please return form packages as soon as possible. Some forms were sent back to have signatures put on them, particularly the health forms.
Things we have done during our day:
-We did science with leaves. We made observations using 4 of our senses and made sketches of our leaves.
-We went outside and did a fitness triangle doing lunges, jumping jacks, planks, and skipping.
-We got to pick a book or two from our classroom library to keep for a week or so before they get put into isolation before coming back onto the shelves.
-We had an hour of music. We learned signature move that a lot of dancers use and played Lizard Tongue Poison. These were only a couple of things we did.
-We had two PE’s because there was a little time between recess and music.
-We practiced our handwriting the letters ‘c’ and ‘a’.
-We did a Sudoku this morning.
-We did math and we practiced drawing clocks and the time to the hour and half hour using our whiteboards.
-We did an adventure map in our Visual Journals using the story, “I Need My Monster” by Amanda Noll. https://www.storylineonline.net/books/i-need-my-monster/
Daily Challenge:
Share with your family the books you chose from our classroom library. What kind of books would like to see added to Pick a Book Time?