Monday, September 14, 2020

September 14

Hello Fabulous Fours,


Welcome to week 3 of school.


Terry Fox Assembly and Run


Hello Prince of Wales!  We are excited to participate in our annual Terry Fox Run. This is our 16th year participating in the run and the 40th Anniversary of the Terry Fox run.  This year we are not collecting donations at the school, however if you would like to donate please visit to donate if you so choose.  Donating is completely optional.   


Due to circumstances this year we are unable to host the head shave/ponytail chop, but we can continue with our annual run on the ridge.   


The Grade 4’s and Grade 2’s are hosting our virtual assembly for Thursday morning.


Teacher’s will be sending out a date and time for their classes to participate in the run on the ridge.  Dates and times will vary due to social distancing.     


We look forward to encouraging our students to “Be like Terry” by fostering his values of determination, courage, perseverance and compassion. Don’t forget to wear Red and White on Run day!


Upcoming Events:

Sept. 16 – School Council meeting – virtual meeting

Sept. 18 – Terry Fox run on the ridge at 8:30am


Things we have done during our day:

-We designed/coloured shoes and some people put down who they are running for on Friday and others wrote some words about Terry Fox. (JB)

-We had music inside and we danced the Chicken Dance, YMCA, and the Twist. (SV)Mrs. Anderson suggested we take a look at her blog.

-We did handwriting and we learned how to do an ‘o’. (EW)

-We did some practice running for Terry Fox and played Duck Duck Goose. (HM)

-We made some goals for the week and they are on our desks. (WF)

-We did a math problem that had many steps and included multiplication and socks.

-We did some LA Word Work, looking for our own personal spelling word list by looking at a list of 400 words.

-We continued to write our Grizzly Bear story and some of us finished and some of us are getting closer to being finished.

- We found many words in our Make-a-Word morning activity.  (g m n s t and a e)



Daily Challenge:

HM thought this would be a good daily challenge for us.  What was the goal you chose to work on this week?  Why did you choose that goal?  What are the strategies you are going to use to work on this goal?

September 30

  Hello Fabulous Fours, This is the last post in Blogger. Please check out what we have been doing in the stream of Google Classroom. We h...