Tuesday, September 15, 2020

September 15

Hello Fabulous Fours, Today was a day to explore learning with the computer using Google Meet and Google Classroom. The students will be bringing home a card with the information needed to access the programs. Please keep this in a safe place. You will need to use the student’s CBE email to access Google classroom and the activities.
Classroom Blog:
We are slowly moving our blog to our stream in Google Classroom. For the next couple of weeks, I will be posting our Blog message in both places.

Terry Fox Assembly and Run Hello Prince of Wales!  We are excited to participate in our annual Terry Fox Run. This is our 16th year participating in the run and the 40th Anniversary of the Terry Fox run.  This year we are not collecting donations at the school, however if you would like to donate please visit www.terryfox.ca/PrinceofWales to donate if you so choose.  Donating is completely optional.      Due to circumstances this year we are unable to host the head shave/ponytail chop, but we can continue with our annual run on the ridge.    The Grade 4’s and Grade 2’s are hosting our virtual assembly for Thursday morning. Teacher’s will be sending out a date and time for their classes to participate in the run on the ridge.  Dates and times will vary due to social distancing.        We look forward to encouraging our students to “Be like Terry” by fostering his values of determination, courage, perseverance and compassion. Don’t forget to wear Red and White on Run day! Things in our backpacks: -Yearbooks for those who ordered them -Computer information cards Upcoming Events: Sept. 16 – School Council meeting – virtual meeting Sept. 18 – Terry Fox run on the ridge at 8:30am for the Grade Fours Things we have done during our day: -We did PE and we ran the Terry Fox loop to practice for Friday. (EW) -We went on computers a lot. It took us a long time to get everyone logged in and into Google Meet. (AW) -We did music and we did a dance where we sped it up really fast and then practiced some rhythms by playing a rhythm game. (HM) -We completed a word ladder, using clues to make our way up to the top. (KN)

-We did a Sudoku and Ms. Konno made a mistake and we completed the same one from before. (JB) -We wrote about This or That. We made a choice and backed it up with reasons. We used Google classroom and Google docs. Some of us turned in our tasks using Google classroom. -As a treat, we got to practice our math skill using Under the Sea from Learnalberta website. These are mostly Grade 3 skills. (We needed to go through Safari to use this site) http://www.learnalberta.ca/content/me3usa/flash/index.html?goLesson=13 Daily Challenge: See if you can get into our Google classroom from home and share your This or That activity. Maybe some of your family could help you add more details to your writing to make it better.

September 30

  Hello Fabulous Fours, This is the last post in Blogger. Please check out what we have been doing in the stream of Google Classroom. We h...