Hello Fabulous Fours,
This is the last post in Blogger. Please check out what we have been doing in the stream of Google Classroom.Wednesday, September 30, 2020
September 30
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
September 29
Hello Fabulous Fours,
Orange Shirt Day The Grade 5/6 classes will be hosting a virtual assembly on Wednesday, September 30 at 8:30am. Show your support by wearing ORANGE! Things we have done during our day: -Today in PE, we used skipping ropes. (SV) -In PE, we got three minutes to play on the little park. (KB) -Some of us started writing our frog stories, some finished planning, and some finished writing our stories. (LF) -In handwriting, we learned how to write an ‘m’ and an ‘n’. (KN) -Today in music, we got our binders from last year and we got to decorate them. (EW) -We got a bag of some stuff to make music. -Today in music, we watched a video about line riding to a Beethoven song. (HM) -We started research on the Canadian Shield. (AW) We got our information from the text book. (ED) -We read, ‘Shin-Chi’s Canoe’, and how Shin-Chi adjusted to life in residential school. (JB) -Today, most of us finished our representing numbers in Math. Daily Challenge: Share with your family your thoughts about Shin-Chi’s Canoe. How did you feel during the different parts of the story? What might be a lesson to be learned in this story? How did you connect to the story?Monday, September 28, 2020
September 28
Hello Fabulous Fours,
Orange Shirt Day The Grade 5/6 classes will be hosting a virtual assembly on Wednesday, September 30 at 8:30am. Show your support by wearing ORANGE! In 1973, six-year old Phyllis Webstad was gifted a brand-new orange shirt from her grandmother and wore it to the residential (mission) school she attended in British Columbia. Upon her arrival, school officials removed and discarded the shirt from her and replaced it with a school uniform. This greatly impacted the mental and emotional well-being of Webstad and symbolized that "her feelings never mattered." September 30 was chosen as the date to commemorate all the children that attended residential schools as it was also the time of year that children had to leave their homes. Music Please remember to check out the Grade 4 Music Google Classroom. Mrs. Anderson has added some more information about our learning in music. Things we have done during our day: -In the morning, we did a Sudoku. (KN) -We came in this morning and Ms. Konno had rearranged the classroom. (BW) -We made new goals for the week. (SV) -We did the Rubber Chicken Challenge (Marathon) during Music Class. (AW) -Today, we read more of The City of Ember and we are on Chapter Three. (WF) -We played Hangman and the message was: “Stop, Think, then Do” (JH) -Today in handwriting, we learned how to do a lower case ‘b’. (EW) -In math, we learned the different forms to represent numbers, standard form, word form, expanded form, and Base-10 form. (KB) -We made new personal word lists for our Word Work. (OC) -We did Social Studies and we got some pages ready for research about Alberta. (HM) -In PE, we went to the small playground and we did a fitness quad with 30 jumping jacks as one of the corner exercises. (EW) -In SQUIRT, we had Pick a Book Day. (KN) -We changed up our play spots for recess and PE, our designated space is the small park. (ED) Daily Challenge: Share with your family what “Stop, Think, then Do” means. How will this help you with your learning? How will this help you outside of our learning space?Thursday, September 24, 2020
September 24
Hello Fabulous Fours,
We had less frustration today while working with the iPads. Everyone was able to turn in something to the teacher. We took pictures of our written work or took screen shots of our work and then attached them. Some of us were able to just submit the activity. It is definitely still a work in progress. Upcoming Events: Sept. 23-24 – Parent-Teacher Conferences – Looking forward to connecting with families. Things we have done during our day: -Today, we did Word Ladder in Google Classroom. (KN) -We finished up our Bowling Alley Graph activity on the iPad. (KB) The hardest part of this activity was putting the answer into a full sentence. -We read the City of Ember and finished Chapter 2. (OC) -We did a fitness triangle and played Shadow Tag. (HM) -Today, we were on the iPads for most of the day. (EW) -In Language arts, we finished off our word work and some of us worked on our story writing. (EC) Daily Challenge: Share with your family what we notice about our shadows outside today. How were they different from when we usually play Shadow Tag during PE? Why might they be different?Wednesday, September 23, 2020
September 23
Hello Fabulous Fours,
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
September 22
Hello Fabulous Fours,
Things in backpacks: Overdue notice slips – these are from last year, please try and find them and return them. Upcoming Events: Sept. 23-24 – Parent-Teacher Conferences – These are telephone conversations, Thursday afternoon/evening and Friday morning. Things we have done during our day: -Today, we did Make-a-Word. (KN) -In handwriting, we learned how to do an ‘h’. (SV) -In French, we learned more greetings like “Salut” and “je m’appelle. . .”. (OC) -Today, we did social studies and we did a map and we wrote down all the provinces and territories. (EW) **in Google Classroom -Today, we had music and we practiced our dancing. (AW) -We did more Terry Fox Run and then played Hula Rock Paper Scissors. (ED) -We read a little bit more of The City of Ember. (HM) **new reading in Google Classroom -We did math and we practiced using base 10 blocks and finding the numbers. (KN and ED) We did a math card with darts and we had to find 11 using three darts. (HM) **in Google Classroom -Today, we had SQUIRT time. (EW) Daily Challenge: Using the dart board from our problem today, how many different ways can you make 9 using three darts. Predict if you will have more combinations or less than the problem we did this morning. If you cannot remember the dart board, check it out in Google Classroom.Monday, September 21, 2020
September 21
Hello Fabulous Fours,
Today’s word for the day was FRUSTRATION. We worked with iPads and tried to work in Google classroom. This is definitely a work in progress. We are making progress and some of us have actually submitted some work. We will get another chance to practice on Thursday. Upcoming Events: Sept. 23-24 – Parent-Teacher Conferences – Please check your emails for information how to sign up for a conference. Things we have done during our day: -We did Word Ladder in the morning. (KN) This one was harder than the other ones we did. **This is in the Google Classroom -In PE, we learned a new game, Hula Rock Paper Scissors where we had to jump through hoops to get to the other side to get points. (JB) -We read a story called, The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires. (OC) We answered 5 questions from the Story Question Board (in Google classroom) -We made new goals for the week and stored our old ones in our visual journal. (HM) -We read more of the novel, The City of Ember. (ED) -Today, we had music and we made “hope” notes out of whole notes. (EW) -We tried to do a math problem (answering question using a bar graph) using google classroom and google docs. We will look at this problem again on Thursday. (HM) There were some issues trying to get the two to communicate to each other. We think we have it now. -We had some SQUIRT time before PE. (EC)Friday, September 18, 2020
September 18
Hello Fabulous Fours,
Terry Fox Run We completed our Terry Fox Run. We ran a loop that was about 500m. It was 250m to the last pylon and 250m back to the beginning. It was a great day for a run/walk/jog.Upcoming Events: Sept. 23-24 – Parent-Teacher Conferences Things we have done during our day: -In music, we did the Limbo dance and Mr. Chris tried it and he could not do it. (EC) -We did the Terry Fox Run. (SV) -Today, we had math about pigs and ducks. (KN) **The problem is in Google Classroom -In the morning, we did Make a Word and the big word was Terry Fox. (OC) -We did some SQUIRT time and caught up on some work that needed finishing. (AW) -We read a little bit about The City of Ember and during SQUIRT time we could complete our journals. (HM) **The rest of Chapter one is in Google Classroom Daily Challenge: Share with your family how you felt running along the ridge for the Terry Fox Run. How did you find running with just our grade group?
Thursday, September 17, 2020
September 17
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
September 16
Hello Fabulous Fours, Terry Fox Run We will be going to the ridge on Friday morning from 8:30 – 9:30am. We will run rain or shine. Please help your child come prepared for the weather. We will be walking to the ridge masked up with our backpacks and will sanitize once we are at the ridge. We will sanitize before we come back and once we arrive back at school.
Upcoming Events: Sept. 16 – School Council meeting – virtual meeting Sept. 18 – Terry Fox run on the ridge at 8:30am for the Grade Fours Things we have done during our day: -We learned a little bit of French. We learned to greet each other. (SV) -It was AW’s birthday and she shared some treats with us. (EW) -During PE, we practiced for our Terry Fox run and did some cool down exercises. (HM) -We had some S.Q.U.I.R.T. time. (Super Quiet Uninterrupted Individual Responsible Time) (AW) This allows us time to finish up any tasks, read, colour, etc. -We did a word ladder in the morning. (ED) -We set up our pages in our visual journal for our Read aloud novel, The City of Ember. (KN) There are 5 double spread pages. We have a double spread page for each topic, Character, Setting, Thoughts and Wonders, Adventure/Event Map, and an extra double page spread just in case we may need the space as we record our learning.
-We did a math quiz called the MIPI to show Ms. Konno what we know about math. (OC) -We did a writing assignment where we spelled out words (Words their Way) to show Ms. Konno what we know about writing words. (LF) -We looked at our Word Work Choice Board. We looked through the different activities. We made up Alliterative sentences using the first letter of our names. Daily Challenge: Share with your family what an Alliterative Sentence is and what makes it different from regular sentences. Can you help your family come up with an alliterative sentence for their names? Hint: Bear bounces balls because he has begun basketball.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
September 15
-We did a Sudoku and Ms. Konno made a mistake and we completed the same one from before. (JB) -We wrote about This or That. We made a choice and backed it up with reasons. We used Google classroom and Google docs. Some of us turned in our tasks using Google classroom. -As a treat, we got to practice our math skill using Under the Sea from Learnalberta website. These are mostly Grade 3 skills. (We needed to go through Safari to use this site) http://www.learnalberta.ca/content/me3usa/flash/index.html?goLesson=13 Daily Challenge: See if you can get into our Google classroom from home and share your This or That activity. Maybe some of your family could help you add more details to your writing to make it better.
Monday, September 14, 2020
September 14
Hello Fabulous Fours,
Welcome to week 3 of school.
Terry Fox Assembly and Run
Hello Prince of Wales! We are excited to participate in our annual Terry Fox Run. This is our 16th year participating in the run and the 40th Anniversary of the Terry Fox run. This year we are not collecting donations at the school, however if you would like to donate please visit www.terryfox.ca/PrinceofWales to donate if you so choose. Donating is completely optional.
Due to circumstances this year we are unable to host the head shave/ponytail chop, but we can continue with our annual run on the ridge.
The Grade 4’s and Grade 2’s are hosting our virtual assembly for Thursday morning.
Teacher’s will be sending out a date and time for their classes to participate in the run on the ridge. Dates and times will vary due to social distancing.
We look forward to encouraging our students to “Be like Terry” by fostering his values of determination, courage, perseverance and compassion. Don’t forget to wear Red and White on Run day!
Upcoming Events:
Sept. 16 – School Council meeting – virtual meeting
Sept. 18 – Terry Fox run on the ridge at 8:30am
Things we have done during our day:
-We designed/coloured shoes and some people put down who they are running for on Friday and others wrote some words about Terry Fox. (JB)
-We had music inside and we danced the Chicken Dance, YMCA, and the Twist. (SV)Mrs. Anderson suggested we take a look at her blog.
-We did handwriting and we learned how to do an ‘o’. (EW)
-We did some practice running for Terry Fox and played Duck Duck Goose. (HM)
-We made some goals for the week and they are on our desks. (WF)
-We did a math problem that had many steps and included multiplication and socks.
-We did some LA Word Work, looking for our own personal spelling word list by looking at a list of 400 words.
-We continued to write our Grizzly Bear story and some of us finished and some of us are getting closer to being finished.
- We found many words in our Make-a-Word morning activity. (g m n s t and a e)
Daily Challenge:
HM thought this would be a good daily challenge for us. What was the goal you chose to work on this week? Why did you choose that goal? What are the strategies you are going to use to work on this goal?
Friday, September 11, 2020
September 11
Hello Fabulous Fours,
Week two is now complete!!
Upcoming Events:
Sept. 16 – School Council meeting – virtual meeting
Things we have done during our day:
-Today, we did language arts and we are starting to write a story about a bear.
-We played 3-Digit Scramble in the morning.
-We did some math cards working on patterning using numbers.
-We were dismissed from Music today.
-We had snack before Physical Education.
-We did 3 laps of our fitness triangle rather than just 2.
-We played Shadow Tag.
-We did run out of time for handwriting.
Daily Challenge:
Share with your family how we/you solved these patterns. We were looking at how these numbers relate to each other and if we could find a pattern. Some of us even found a pattern within a pattern. Is there one in this Playing with Patterns card?
Thursday, September 10, 2020
September 10
Hello Fabulous Fours,
We had our pictures taken today before and after morning recess.
Upcoming Events:
Sept. 16 – School Council meeting – virtual meeting
Things in the backpack:
-Thankful Card
Things we have done during our day:
-Today, we played 2-Digit Scramble and during math we learned 3-Digit Scramble.
-We made Thankful cards to someone in our family.
-We had our school photo’s taken.
-We did Mindfulness and we got to read or catch up on stuff we had not finished.
-We did our self-portraits.
-Today in handwriting, we learned how to do g’s and q’s.
-We made our tree cookies of Hope.
-In PE, we practiced running for Terry Fox and played Lizard Tongue Poison.
-We played hangman to guess the word, “gratitude” for our Thankful Cards.
Daily Challenge:
Share with your family how we solved our math problem this morning. There was a question asked about how many years or months is 1000 minutes. Today, we worked out the answer together as a class. Take your family through the process we went through to get to our answer. Ask your family if they have another way that they would have used to solve this problem.
What surprised you about this process/answer? What might you do differently if solving this on your own?
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
September 9, 2020
Hello Fabulous Fours,
Reminder: Picture Day tomorrow
Upcoming Events:
Sept. 10 – Picture Day
Sept. 16 – School Council meeting – virtual meeting
Things that have gone home:
-Please return form packages as soon as possible
Things we have done during our day:
-We did science and we went outside to our sit spots and used our 4 senses, see, hear, touch and smell to make observations and record them in our visual journal.
-Today, in handwriting, we learned to write the letter ‘d’.
-We wrote about a This or That. We had to choose between having to save minds or shape minds.
-We a Two Digit Scramble math game. We used cards to make 2-digit numbers and tried to place them all on a number line. It was harder than we thought.
-This morning, we played Boggle. We learned some new vocabulary words like snob, snub, nib, nibs, bog, and snit.
-We finished up our Adventure Maps for “I Need My Monster”.
-In Mindfulness, we could either read a book or colour.
-In PE, we played Duck, Duck, Goose and did our daily fitness triangle.
-We did a birthday graph and we had to write some sentences that used the data we collected and organized.
Daily Challenge:
Play Boggle with your family. There is a different game board below from the one we used this morning so everyone can play.
-words need to be at least 3 letters long and they need to touch each other across, up, down, or diagonally
-generally, it is a timed game usually 2 to 2.5 minutes (optional)
-cross off words that other people have found
-use a dictionary to confirm unknown words
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
September 8, 2020
Hello Fabulous Fours,
Welcome to week two of school.
Upcoming Events:
Sept. 10 – Picture Day
Sept. 16 – School Council meeting – virtual meeting
Things that have gone home:
-Picture Day Notice
-Please return form packages as soon as possible. Some forms were sent back to have signatures put on them, particularly the health forms.
Things we have done during our day:
-We did science with leaves. We made observations using 4 of our senses and made sketches of our leaves.
-We went outside and did a fitness triangle doing lunges, jumping jacks, planks, and skipping.
-We got to pick a book or two from our classroom library to keep for a week or so before they get put into isolation before coming back onto the shelves.
-We had an hour of music. We learned signature move that a lot of dancers use and played Lizard Tongue Poison. These were only a couple of things we did.
-We had two PE’s because there was a little time between recess and music.
-We practiced our handwriting the letters ‘c’ and ‘a’.
-We did a Sudoku this morning.
-We did math and we practiced drawing clocks and the time to the hour and half hour using our whiteboards.
-We did an adventure map in our Visual Journals using the story, “I Need My Monster” by Amanda Noll. https://www.storylineonline.net/books/i-need-my-monster/
Daily Challenge:
Share with your family the books you chose from our classroom library. What kind of books would like to see added to Pick a Book Time?
Friday, September 4, 2020
Hello Fabulous Fours,
We have completed our first week of school!
Looking forward to next week.
Things that have gone home:
Please return form packages as soon as possible.
Things we have done during our day:
-We played Make a Word and used word families.
-We learned about an analog clock a little bit.
-This morning we had a google meet assembly where we met the different teachers and staff at the school.
-We wrote about being stranded on an island and chose people to be with us.
-We played Splat and did fitness triangle for PE.
-We played Jr. Star Traveller.
Daily Challenge:
Share with your family the people you chose to be with you on a deserted island. Who would the members of your family choose if they were stranded on an island?
Thursday, September 3, 2020
September 3
Hello Fabulous Fours,
We are almost done our first week of school. We are keeping ourselves busy learning routines and learning about each other.
Things that have gone home:
There is a package of forms that have been placed in backpacks. Please fill them out and get them back to us as soon as you can. Thank you.
Things we have done during our day:
-For PE, we played Splat and did our daily fitness triangle.
-We went to music outside with Mrs. Anderson.
-We are drawing self-portraits.
-Today in math, we did a Sudoku.
-We practiced some loops and circles to get ready for handwriting.
-We did Be Active, Be Strong and Be Ready to Learn body break.
-We did some sheets of adding and subtracting to show Ms. Konno what we can do.
-After lunch, we did mindfulness and coloured our letters.
-We had to make a choice: This or That (an invisible head or an invisible belly) and then write about it. Share your choice and the reasons why you made that choice.
Daily Challenge:
Share with your family your thoughts about having music outside. What are some of the things you did with Mrs. Anderson?
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
September 2, 2020
Hello Fabulous Fours,
We have completed our second day of school. We are getting used to our routines and the safety protocols.
I apologize as I did not hand out form packages at the end of the day. They will come home tomorrow.
Things we have done during our day:
-We are distanced apart enough so that we can sit at our desks with masks off.
-We coloured these pictures with warm and cool to create a class mosaic.
-We finished a Sudoku puzzle this morning.
-We played Wax Museum and Lizard Tongue Poison game in PE.
-Before lunch recess, we read a book called, “If you Plant a Seed” and we wrote about it.
-We did a fitness triangle, 15 pushups, 10 jumping jacks, and 15 lunges.
-We played Jr. Star Traveller using our addition and subtractions skills.
-We completed our blog.
-We are using paper bags to hold our masks when we are not needing to wear them.
-We continued to colour our letters during Mindfulness.
Daily Challenge:
Share with your family some of the strategies we used to solve the Sudoku problem below.
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
September 1
Hello Fabulous Fours,
Wow! We have just finished our first day at school. As you can see below, we have had a busy day.
We were busy learning new routines and protocols when moving around the classroom and the school while using our masks and hand sanitizers.
We are getting the hang of these routines. We sanitize as we leave the room and enter the room. We take our backpacks outside to keep our masks safe during recesses.
-Please, bring indoor shoes and/or small bottle of hand cream to use when seated at desks to help with all the hand sanitizing.
What we have done:
-We made names tags for our desks.
-We coloured a little bit the first letter of our name.
-We did Be Active, Be Strong, Be Ready body break this morning.
-We had PE in the afternoon and we did a fitness triangle and played Shadow Tag.
-We did “What our classroom looks and sounds like” activity.
-We wrote about Hope.
-We played a Get to know each other game.
-We learned about how shadows change throughout the day.
-We learned that we can use our shadows to tell time.
-We learned routines for going in and out of the classroom using masks, hand sanitizers, and backpacks.
-We learned the names of birds that we use to exit the classroom.
-We learned about some of the animals on the letters on our visual journal covers.
Daily Challenge:
Share with your family some of your challenges of our first day of school. Share with your family some of the things you enjoyed doing today.
September 30
Hello Fabulous Fours, This is the last post in Blogger. Please check out what we have been doing in the stream of Google Classroom. We h...
Hello Fabulous Fours, Parent viewpoint Please see link below to fill out a Parent viewpoint. Thank you for sharing information about your ...